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    I am Kin Lane, the API Evangelist. This is my online domain where I work to understand the world of the Application Programming Interfaces, also known as APIs. This new way of sharing data using the web is touching almost every aspect of our increasingly digital lives, providing access to the bits and bytes that make our personal and professional worlds go round.

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    This is my research specifically into how APIs are being patents, and how the patent process is hurting or helping the world of APIs. Much of what we know as API has been patented, something that will continue to play out in courtrooms and backroom investments. API Evangelist is a network of data driven projects and APIs which I curate and manage as part of this ongoing research, hoping to provide easy access to the moving parts of my work. Everything you see here runs on Github, making everything forkable, and reusable for both humans and machines. API Evangelist Partners These are my partners who invest in API Evangelist each month, helping underwrite my research, and making sure I'm able to keep monitoring the API space as I do.

    Full text of ' 03.01.93 Volume 7 Number 9 THE NEWSWEEKLY FOR MACINTOSH MANAGERS IN REVIEWS iS&S: ■ '. 1.5 Alias packs speed in upgraded 3-D tool if if PBTools Util package manages battery life Frontier 2.0 UserLand delivers major upgrade A software PDA for users on the move Personal. Organizers Content Other programs Dynamic linking and navigation Software platforms Data repository databases, documents (text, graphics, etc.) Macintosh OS PDA OSes Other OSes Free-form data manager from Rae to mimic PDAs By Andrew Gore Cupertino, Calif.

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    — PowerBook users frustrated by how difficult it can be to access and organize all the data they deal with while on the road may soon see a ray of hope. According to sources, Rae Tech- nology Inc., based here, has created a proprietary technology for gath- ering and organizing the reams of information mobile users need to By Neil McManus, Kirsten L. Parkinson and Leonard Heymann San Francisco — Before taking a gamble on one of Apple’s new midrange Macs, users are consider- ing how they will play the slots. Until recently, buying a midrange Mac was a relatively sim- ple choice between the now-defunct Mac Ilsi and Ilci. But with last month’s introduction of the Centris line and LC III and October’s intro- manage. The company plans to offer both prepackaged and custom applications based on this technol- ogy for PowerBooks and eventual- ly personal digital assistants such as Newton. ► Software PDA.

    Rae’s first commercial application will be a personal organizer that includes a multidimensional date book, con- See Rae, Page 112 duction of the IIvx, Mac users now must choose among four midrange models that offer a dizzying array of prices, processor speeds and slot configurations. Apple’s midrange Macs pose questions for corporate users, such as: “Is a 68030 processor suffi- cient, or do I need the 68040 chips of the Centris line?” “Which machine can I afford?” and “Do I See Midrange, Page 111 Company will offer on-site Mac repairs By Jon Swartz Cupertino, Calif. — Succumbing to competitive pressures from other personal computer vendors, Apple plans to offer free one-year, on-site service starting this spring for desk- top Macintoshes sold in the United States, sources said. The new on-site warranty plan, which will be provided by third par- ties, applies to most Apple products purchased early this year, sources said. PowerBook users, however, still will be required to mail in their machines for repairs.

    Sources said Apple is ironing out final details of the plan. Get final cut express hd for mac. Apple declined to comment. The company currently offers Upgrade to include paint tools, outlining By Lisa Picarille Santa Clara, Calif. — Claris Corp. This month reportedly will ship a major upgrade to its Claris- Works integrated package. ClarisWorks 2.0 for the Mac packs enough bang for its 299 bucks to rival not only other Macintosh integrated packages but full-blown applications, including some of Claris’ own products, sources said. New features will include a new 3 2 -bit painting module, which joins the existing word processing, draw- ing, communications, database and spreadsheet portions of the program, according to beta testers.

    In addition, the update adds a built- in outliner, facilities for creating on- screen presentations and features to streamline existing functionality. ► Macro buttons. One of the first things ClarisWorks users will one-year warranties for all its prod- ucts and already offers customers one year of free on-site service with its line of Performa consumer Macs. Apple’s extension of warranty coverage will come nearly a year after Compaq Com- puter Corp. And IBM Corp. Began offering users a min- imum one-year, on- site warranty free with all their per- sonal computers.

    IBM upped the ante last fall by extending on-site coverage for PS/2s and selected note- books to three years; in December, Compaq followed suit, extending the warranty on all its PCs to three years. Meanwhile, AST Research Inc. And Dell Computer Corp. Also notice in Version 2.0 are the sets of macro buttons that automate com- mon tasks. The buttons can change from module to module or even doc- ument to document, sources said. For example, the spreadsheet will include buttons for instantly creating frames without row and column See ClarisWorks, Page 112 have said they likely will revise their on-site warranty and support services. Industry observers said Apple, which had mulled over a change in its warranty policy for several months, was finally forced to act to keep pace in the highly competitive desktop market.

    “As prices among vendors converge, it is more important than ever to provide thor- ough service and sup- port,” said Pieter Hart- sook, editor of The Hartsook Letter in Alameda, Calif. “It adds value to a product, and it builds customer goodwill.” Users such as Liz Kahler, an See Warranty, Page 111 Scripting systems for every need en route to Mac By Robert Hess San Francisco — Listen closely to the people engineering the future of Macintosh computing and you might think they are all following a script — or one of several new scripting standards designed to bring the power of programming to end users. Although HyperCard popularized the concept of end-user program- ming on the Mac, many people felt intimidated by its similarity to real programming. And while macro pro- grams convinced some users that con- trol of their Macs was as easy as point- ing and clicking, these programs were limited in their ability to respond to ever-changingMac environments. The next generation of scripting products aims to simplify the process by providing a way for users to control applications’ actions without worry- ing about programming structures. ► AppleScript.

    When this heir apparent of scripting systems finally See Scripts, Page 111 NEWSPAPER SECOND CLASS Mac midrange getting crowded ClarisWorks 2.0 may rival stand-alone applications Mfroducing DayStar's Turbo 040 only 68040 accelerator that does it DayStar’s PowerCache ‘030 accelerators have won nearly every editorial award in the USA, Europe and Japan. They set the standard for what an accelerator should be - fast as lightning and as compatible as if Apple did it themselves.

    On top of this, DayStar puts its customers first with aggressive prices, color manuals, unlimited toll-free tech support, and upgrades to the fastest speeds, at any time and without paying a penalty. Now, after extensive develop- ment by the DayStar engineers, we are proud to offer you the Turbo 040 - a 68040 accelerator that’s every bit as good as our 68030 PowerCache, only it goes like greased lightning! YES Compatible With All QuickDraw Accelerators YES Compatible with Apple QuickTime YES Free Storm PicturePress 2.5 Software The Turbo 040 has a built in math chip and is available in two speeds - 25 MHz (Quadra 700 speeds) and 33 MHz (Quadra 950 speeds).

    Like the Quadra, the Turbo 040 also has an optional 128K cache card to squeeze out every bit of performance. Feel free to choose the speed you need today without worrying about missing out on tomorrow’s faster boards. When you want to upgrade, just check out the list price of the board you have and the board you need.

    Take the difference, and that’s your upgrade price! YES Compatible With AppleTalk Remote Access YES Compatible With All Scanners Total Number of Compatibility Problems. As on the Macintosh® Quadra, using the Apple 8-24 GC Card requires the user to turn off 68040 data caching. 100% compatible with System 6 and System 7 (A/UX not supported).

    T A/R0SE- Apple Real Time Operating System Environment includes Apple Coax/Twinax Card, Ethernet NB Card MacAPPC, MACDFT, MCP Card, Serial NB Card, SNAPS, TokenTalk NB Card. With DayStar, you can be an expert at working on your Mac, not making your Mac work. The Turbo 040 is a breeze to install and operate - just plug it in and turn it on! No installation or “system patches” that create incompatibilities.

    The Turbo 040, like the PowerCache, plugs directly into the Mac through the processor direct slot. Therefore, it’s faster, you don’t waste any NuBus slots, and you don’t have to move or buy any memory. Come join the DayStar way. There are no penalties with DayStar - just speed that’s smooth as silk and ^ ^ problem free. Call for an immediate fax brochure! #4001 mi tiriiniii iiHiBruiiHlBUiiTini DAYSTAR 'mhm r»i» utmtii »i.i£»s D 1 G 1 f M t 5556 Atlanta Highway, Flowery Branch, GA 30542. Inti: (404) 967-2077, Fax: (404) 967-3018.

    All DayStar accelerators are SNOOPER tested. Other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

    Product specifications are subject to change without notice. ©1993 DayStar Digital, Inc MacWEEK V 0 L. 9 0 3.0 1.9 3 Apple dispatches bug fix, 32-bit enabler for 7. 1 users System Update 1.

    0 affects few Macs By Robert Hess Cupertino, Calif. — Apple last week released two new extensions for System 7.1. As previously reported, Macintosh Hardware System Update I. 0 fixes some bugs in 7.1, while the 3 2 -Bit System Enabler supports 32- bit addressing on older Macs. ► Macintosh Hardware Sys- tem Update 1.0. Steve Goldberg, Apple manager of Macintosh sys- tem software, said only a small num- ber of users need the update and those who do should find the prob- lems “very noticeable.” Errors include decreased performance of high-speed serial communications and inaccurate system clocks, which potentially affect the Mac LC, LC II, Ilsi, IIvx, Ilvi, Classic II, and Quadra 900 and 950.

    The update also corrects problems with floppy disk ejection on the Mac Ilsi, Ilci, IIvx, Ilvi, and Quadra 700 and 950. The update also includes a new version of the Memory control panel that prevents users from setting RAM disk sizes to inappropriate values (see MacWEEK, Feb. ► 3 2 -Bit System Enabler. This extension permits Macs without 32- bit-clean ROMs to use more than 8 Mbytes of memory.

    With the Enabler, owners of Mac Ex, Hex and SE/30 models with Sys- tem 7.1 installed can access up to 128 Mbytes of physical RAM, and Mac II users can access up to 68 Mbytes. The Enabler also lets these users turn this feature on; Mac II users must have a PMMU (paged memory manage- ment unit) to access virtual memory. Both extensions will be free from user groups and on-line services. Users can call Apple at (800) 892- 4649 to order disk copies of either extension for a $10 shipping fee. □ Virus vendors respond to new strains By Mitch Ratdiffe Evanston, 111. — Two new Mac viruses have resulted in a flood of upgrades to anti-viral utilities. Virus-watcher John Norstad of Northwestern University here re- ported last week that new variants of T4 and CDEF have been discovered at the University of Illinois at Urbana and in New York, respectively.

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    T4-C, which attempts to change the name of applications to “Disin- fectant,” can damage system boot Apple denies reports of RISC Mac clones Cupertino, Calif. — Apple last week categorically denied published reports that it has licensed or plans to license third parties to build PowerPC-based Macintosh clones. “Apple has no plans to license the Mac OS for PowerPC clones,” said Apple spokeswoman Betty Taylor. PowerPC, a RISC processor being developed by Apple, IBM Corp. And Motorola Inc., will be available for purchase by computer makers but won’t include the RISC implementa- tion of the Mac operating system.

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    However, sources said that Apple and IBM do plan to offer PowerOpen, their Unix OS, to a limited number of third parties to run on PowerPC machines. □ code, applications and parts of the System file, according to Gene Spaf- ford of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind.

    He said the new ver- sion of CDEF, a virus that can dam- age the desktop files of Macs run- ning System 6, can be detected by most anti-viral software. But one widely used software innoculant, the shareware applica- tion Disinfectant 2.9, cannot detect the new CDEF variant.

    Norstad, chief author of Disin- fectant, said he has released a new version of the application, Version 3.0, that deals with T4-C and the new CDEF. It is available now on most on-line services, Internet Mac archives and many bulletin boards. Norstad said the upgrade also fixes an incompatibility with Aladdin Systems Inc.’s Stufflt SpaceSaver. Free upgrades will be available for several commercial virus utilities.

    Symantec Corp. Said Version 3.5 of its $99 Symantec AntiVirus for Mac- intosh can detect both new viruses. Users of Version 3.0 can download Virus Clinic and Intercept upgrade modules from major on-line systems.

    Central Point Software Inc. Will post on-line a drop-in module for its Anti-Virus. Microcom Inc. Will ship free upgrades to users of Virex. Microseeds Publishing Inc.’s Rival and the shareware applica- tions VirusDetective and Gatekeep- er do not require upgrades to detect the new viruses. □ News 4 Seven-inch cards in short supply Vendors will fill the Centris 61 0's smaller NuBus space slowly.

    6 Nine to Five outputs Paperless Printer Program creates electronic documents that users can read, annotate, print without originating application. 1 4 PowerBooks and PCs PowerBooks are quietly finding their way into the PC world, but linking them with DOS isn't as difficult as many bel ieve. Gateways 20 Asante climbs Ethernet ladder Vendor to unveil departmental hub, bridging module. Opinion 32 Editorial Apple thrives on chaos, strategies du jour. 32 Commentary/Jean-Louis Gassee Time for General Magic to conjure real products. 33 Letters Let's hear it for Omnis 7. 33 Mac Manager/Don Crabb Distributed computing can fix wasted cycles.

    Reviews 41 Alias redraws Sketch! Upgrade addresses many problems: improves screen redrawing, text importing, texture mapping. 41 PBTools big on conservation Utility concentrates on battery-charge maintenance for PowerBooks. 44 PowerPrint/LT takes non-Mac printers to LocalTalk Hardware, software package can put up to 800 parallel-interface printers on the network. 45 UserLand opens new tools in Frontier 2.0 Upgrade more accessible to programming novices and more powerful for experts. 20 Vendors throw switches at users Tribe, Synernetics, UB offer switch options. ProductWatch GA HP 24 Canto brings European graphics apps to U.S.

    Proqrams cataloq imaqes, let users adjust scanning controls. 24 Digital F/X premieres Hitchcock video system Nonlinear video-editing system exports EDLs. Business Watch 28 SuperMac buys E-Machines product line Acquisition boosts company's share of Mac 24-bit display market. 28 Clinton unveils $17 billion technology plan High-tech companies eager to take spin on information 'superhighway.' 47 The road to geographic imagery Mapping software for business and scientific research puts spin on raw data. 50 MacInTouch/Ric Ford Spending more time with the HFS bug.

    50 Ask David Ramsey New 72-pin SIMMs make life better. Mac the Knife Special Report 34 Apple road map The computer maker has changed a lot in the past two years; MacWEEK presents a guide to the differ- ent missions of Apple's five major divisions. 1 1 4 This monitor is the message And now a display with built-in sound-in and -out. 55 Ad Showcase no Careers 58 Mail Order 112 Advertiser Index 93 Classified 113 Product Index MacWEEK (ISSN 0892-81 1 8) is published weekly, with the exception of Aug. 20 and 27 by Coastal Associates Publishing, L.P., 1 Park Ave., New York, N.Y.

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    Apple and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer Inc. Entire contents copyright 1 993 Coastal Associates Publishing, L.P. All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission. Requests for permission should be directed to Chantcl Lavelanet, 1 Park Ave., New York, N.Y.

    Eor information on reprints in quantities of 500 or more, write Claudia Crichlow, Ziff-Davis Publishing Co., 1 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. MacWEEK is a registered trademark of Coastal Associates Publishing, L.P. Printed in U.S.A.

    ■ News MACWEEK 03.01.93 Newer releases RAM (or PB 165c Util finds slow RAM in new PowerBooks Nightmare On PowerBook Street checks a PowerBook 1 80 or 1 65c for the presence of additional wait states to determine if the correct memory modules have been installed. By Carolyn Said Wichita, Kan. — Newer Tech- nology is whipping up some solu- tions to add and test memory on the newest PowerBooks. The company last week announced a freeware application to check if the correct memory module has been installed in a PowerBook 180 or 165c.

    It also unveiled modules engineered specifically for the PowerBook 165c. Newer this week will release Nightmare On PowerBook Street, a free application that checks if the correct memory module has been installed in a PowerBook 180 or 165c. The 180 and 165c require 85- nanosecond pseudo-static RAM for full-speed operation; older Power- Books use 100-nanosecond memory.

    While the 180 and 165c can accommodate modules designed for the older machines, adding the slower RAM slows the machines, Newer said. When the new Power- Books detect the older memory, they switch into a compatible mode, which adds extra wait states and thus slows performance. Further, Newer said, older modules may require the removal of heat sinks, which voids the warranty and can cause motherboard components to overheat. Nightmare On PowerBook Street detects when additional wait states are being used, alerting users to the pres- ence of an older memory module. ► PowerBook 165c RAM. Newer next week will ship 2 -Mbyte, 4-Mbyte, 6-Mbyte, 8-Mbyte and 10- Mbyte memory modules for the new color PowerBook, which comes standard with 4 Mbytes of RAM.

    Although the memory-expansion connector and RAM specification used on the PowerBook 165c are identical to those of the PowerBook 180, the color PowerBook holds its RAM on a separate card, forcing vendors of high-capacity RAM cards to redesign their offerings to fit the machine’s cramped space. The company declined to release pricing because it varies with fluctu- ations in market demand. Newer Technology is at 7803 E. Osie, Suite 105, Wichita, Kan.

    Phone (316) 685-4904 or (800) 678- 3726; fax (3 16) 685-9368. □ Mass Micro bundles Quicklmage card, DataPak By Kirsten L. Parkinson Sunnyvale, Calif. — Mass Micro- systems Inc. Last week announced a multimedia bundle that packages its Quicklmage 24 Video Capture Card with its SyQuest-based Data- Pak drives. In addition, the compa- ny is offering a host of drives for the new Macs.

    ► Multimedia bundle. A $ 1,059 bundle includes the Quicklmage card and the 44-Mbyte DataPak model; a package that bundles the card with the 88-Mbyte DataPak 88C costs $1,189. Quicklmage, regularly $395, lets users capture images from video- Fremont, Calif. — SyQuest Tech- nology Inc., based here, and DiVA Corp.

    Of Cambridge, Mass., last week unveiled a Umited-time offer that will include DiVA’s VideoShop 1.0 on SyQuest removable-media cartridges. VideoShop, a $599 QuickTime editing program, will be bundled on both the 44-Mbyte and 88-Mbyte SyQuest cartridges through April 30. Tape recorders, camcorders and videodisc players. The board offers JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) compression hardware. The 44-Mbyte DataPak usually lists for $769; the DataPak 88C, which can read and write both 44- Mbyte and 88-Mbyte cartridges, regularly retails for $959. The bundle offer, which is avail- able through April 30, is designed to dovetail with a plan by SyQuest Technology Inc. And DiVA Corp.

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    To include DiVA’s VideoShop 1.0 on SyQuest’s removable cartridges (see story, below). ► Multimedia upgrade kit. The cartridges also will include QuickTime 1.0, a HyperCard version of the VideoShop manual, a collection of sound and video clips from The Image Bank Inc. Of New York, and SyQuest’s SCSI Probe utility. Users will be able to upgrade to VideoShop 2.0 for $249 when it is released this spring (see Mac- WEEK,Jan. □ Mass Micro is offering multimedia upgrade kits to users who already own DataPak drives.


    For $259, users can get the Quicklmage 24 card and a 44-Mbyte SyQuest car- tridge that includes VideoShop. A $299 package includes the card and an 88-Mbyte cartridge. ► Drives for new Macs. Mass Micro unveiled a number of inter- nal drives that are fitted with brack- ets for the Quadra 800, Centris 610 and 650, and the Duo Dock.

    New DiamondDrives, in capaci- ties from 120 Mbytes to 1 Gbyte, range in price from $539 to $3,195. The SCSI-2 MASSterDrives, avail- able in capacities from 510 Mbytes to 2.8 Gbytes, are priced from $1,849 to $7,695. Mass Micro is shipping internal CD-ROM drives and magneto- optical drives for the Centris line for $839 and $1,699, respectively. A dig- ital audio tape drive for the Quadra and Centris models is $2,649, and internal SyQuest drives for the Cen- tris line cost from $599 to $899.

    Mass Microsystems Inc. Maude Ave., Sunnyvale, Calif.

    Phone (408) 522-1200; fax (408) 733-5499. □ SyQuest offers VideoShop on cartridges Centris users face limited choice: Only some NuBus cards fit 61 0 By Raines Cohen San Francisco — The Centris 610 may pose a dilemma for expansion- hungry users: The new Mac offers only a processor direct slot; with an adapter, it accepts NuBus cards no longer than 7 inches. Until now, 13 inches has been the standard NuBus size.

    Some cards already are small enough to fit the 6 1 0; others are being redesigned to fit (see chart, below). However, many cards, especially accelerators and high-resolution dis- play adapters, include so many chips that it would take a major redesign for them to fit the system. Vendors said they will move cards to the newer standard slowly. “In the future, when we reissue our display cards, we may re- engineer them to fit the 7-inch form factor,” said a spokesman for Radius Inc. Of San Jose, Calif. “At this point, I doubt that we’ll go retro and redo our entire line at once.” Technical obstacles may prevent some cards from ever shrinking to fit. “For most of the monitor cards, it’s no big deal to redesign them for the smaller size,” said Randy Cook, product manager for multimedia at RasterOps Corp.

    Of Santa Clara, Calif. “But for multimedia cards, electrical noise in the analog com- ponents is hard to avoid when you miniaturize the boards.” Some users may end up choosing other Macs to avoid the problem. “We think that heavy-duty multi- media users will go with the Centris 650,” which has three full-size NuBus slots, Cook said. Others may turn to expansion options such as Second Wave Inc.’s external NuBus chassis systems (see story, below). The issue may become more pressing when Apple ships other Macs using the same 7 -inch form factor later this year, sources said.

    Forex Trading Chelmsford: Fts Trading System For Mac